Liene Bosquê is a visual artist and art educator based in Miami, born in Brazil. Bosquê’s installations, sculptures, site-specific projects, as well as social engaged practice works have been exhibited in museums and galleries In the United States at MoMA PS1 in New York (2015), Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago (2013), Museum of Contemporary Art of North Miami (2020), among other places. Her artworks were also included in international exhibitions in Brazil, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, and South Korea; at places such as Museu de História Natural in Lisbon (2007), Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto (2006), and Sesc in São Paulo (2018).

Recently Liene received Miami Individual Artists (MIA) Stipend Program Award to create new artworks. In 2019 Bosquê received the Ellies Creator Award, Miami’s Visual Arts Awards, and a WaveMaker Grant to present HamacaS Project. First iteration of this social engaged project in Florida was shown at MOCA North Miami  during February 2020. Bosquê was an artist in residence at Wave Hill, Bronx and at Queens Museum’s ArtBuilt residency both in New York. In 2016, she received the Emerging Artist Fellowship from the Socrates Sculpture Park in Queens, where she presented her first public sculpture. Currently Liene is 2023-2024 Artist Resident at Oolite Arts, Miami Beach.

Liene Bosquê holds an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, a BFA from the São Paulo State University, and a BA in Architecture and Urbanism from Mackenzie University in Brazil, where she is from. She is professor at University of Miami.  

Liene Bosquê

photo: Phillip Karp

BIO   Português

Nasceu em 1980 em Garça, São Paulo. Vive e trabalha em Miami.

Liene Bosque é uma artista visual brasileira radicada nos Estados Unidos desde 2008. Suas instalações, esculturas e performances foram exibidas internacionalmente em locais como MoMA PS.1, William Holman Gallery, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Arts Center;  New York Foundation for the Arts Gallery, em Nova York; Museu de Fotografia Contemporânea de Chicago; Museu de Arte Elmhurst em Illinois; Carpe Diem em Lisboa, Portugal; Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto no Brasil; além de galerias e espaços públicos no Brasil, Portugal, Coréia do Sul, Turquia e Estados Unidos.

A artista é resident Oolite Arts em Miami Beach 2023-24, Recentemente participou Now Here em Lisboa. Em 2013 foi artista residente no Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, e onde recebeu o prêmio Manhattan Community Arts. Bosquê faz parte do programa de mentoria para artistas imigrantes da New York Foundation for the Arts. Além disso, participou do Programa Lower East Side Studio 2012 e foi admitida no New York Art Residency and Studios Foundation em 2011.

Conquistou, em 2011, o título de Mestre em Artes Visuais pelo Art Institute of Chicago. Em 2003, concluiu o bacharelado em Artes pela Unesp, e em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade Mackenzie, em 2004 , em São Paulo. Liene também é docente em universidades nos Estados Unidos desde 2016, ministrando aulas de escultura e materiais alternativos. Atualmente leciona na University of Miami.